KS4 and 6th Form English


Exam Board



Course Summary

Students will study both English Language and English Literature, gaining two GCSE at the end of Year 11.  As this is a core subject you have to study it; the route you take and the texts studied will be decided by your English teacher.  They will be selected to be the most appropriate for you based on your achievement in English so far.  You will begin developing the skills required at GCSE from Year 7 and study texts that are on the course from the start of Year 9.  This will make time available in Year 11 to consolidate and deepen knowledge.

What will students learn?

Without studying English at GCSE you would find it difficult to understand and communicate with other people!  You use English skills every day both in school and in your everyday life. By studying English you can learn about the world around you through poets, playwrights and authors; as well as creating your own amazing pieces of writing.  This allows you to empathise with others and work towards a better future for yourself.

Many colleges, universities and jobs require a C grade or higher in English at GCSE level.  English will also help you to cope in the other subjects you have chosen to take.  Studying English allows you to develop analytical skills when reading and the ability to manipulate language to write for different purposes and audiences. The speaking and listening skills you will be taught help you to become confident and articulate; necessary skills for your future academic or working life.

How will students be assessed?

English is assessed solely through examinations which will take place at the end of Year 11; there is no coursework element.

You will study English Language and English Literature alongside each other.

English Language:

Paper 1: Reading: Literature Fiction.  Writing: to describe or narrate.

                1 hour 45 minutes

                50% of the Language GCSE

Paper 2: Reading: Non-fiction texts.  Writing: to present a viewpoint.

                1 hour 45 minutes

                 50% of the Language GCSE

English Literature:

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th   

                 Century Novel               

                1 hour 45 minutes.

                40% of the Literature GCSE

Paper 2: Modern Prose or Drama and Poetry (studied and unseen)

                2 hours 15 minutes

                60% of the Literature GCSE

Speaking and Listening: is a separate element to the course which will be assessed for three different skills and will be awarded its own grade